

Arrival time for each class is different.  Before classes begin, you will receive an email with instructions to follow for drop off/pick up and arrival and departure times.  Please follow them carefully!  Our studio has one drop off/pick up lane in the front that will move SOUTHBOUND this year.  PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A CHANGE THIS YEAR.  Anyone parking to walk a dancer inside must park in the spaces in front of the studio or in front of our Acro facility. We share a building with other businesses so we must be respectful of parking.  We strongly encourage everyone to use the drop off lane, if possible, but please do not sit there and wait.  Interruptions are distracting especially for the younger students. The instructor will open the door when it is time to change classes. Again, pay special attention to the schedule and your class’s instructions.  The first few weeks are always a learning experience and our time to work out issues.  Please be patient!  It always works out!

It is VERY important that you share this information with anyone transporting your child to & from dance.   It takes only one car pulling in the wrong way or parking in the drop off lane, for example, to cause a major traffic jam.


Our classes are held at 900 N. Park Lane.  AcroDance classes are held at 904 N. Park Lane.  If using the drop off/pick up lane, you must enter the lane from SOUTHBOUND traffic.  The single lane will move SOUTH close to the covered porch and will exit into north OR southbound traffic.  If traffic is congested, your other option is to pull through the gates located south of the building, turn left once inside and follow the road and either park behind (to the east) of the building or pull around and drop your child off at the back door.  As with any drop off situation, do not pull off until you see your child with the instructor or see that your child is safely inside.  We have cameras in the front, back and inside our building monitoring all activity to ensure the safest environment for your children.


Please let us know who is picking up your child. Be prompt! If an emergency arises and you are running late, please text the studio phone at 580-318-2255 and let us know so your child does not worry.


No visitors are permitted during class time! If a student is unable to attend class without a parent, then he/she should not be taking dance. Also, your child is not allowed to bring friends to observe class. We cannot be liable for children not taking class. In the case this happens, we will call a parent to pick the child up.

Having a “no visitors” policy reduces distractions thus giving us the full attention of our students. Parents will have several opportunities to observe class and we will notify you as to when we will be allowing visitors. Be sure to check our website at the beginning of each month to read that month’s newsletter or calendar of events.

If you have a special visitor that would like to observe your child in class (Grandma and Grandpa, for example, are visiting), simply notify your child’s instructor in advance to request permission to observe so she can prepare the students for visitors.


Costumes for the recital will be ordered in December.  One costume is ordered for each class.  At the time of enrollment, your child’s costume deposits are due.  If you have multiple deposits to pay, you may pay them at your convenience until December 1st.  We will measure students in November and order in December.  We will not know the balance of the costume until it is ordered.  Budget approx $100 for each costume.  We include tights with costumes, if needed, so that the class will match.  Shoes are not included in the cost of costumes.  You will receive your balance due is January and it will be charged to your card on file on February 1st(unless noted otherwise) if not already paid.


A $25 recital fee is due in May for all dancers participating in the June recital.


Our recital marks the culmination of our dance year.  Recital DVDs will be available for purchase from KEYB.  Recital T-shirts are sold with all the dancers’ names on the back as a momento of our big day!  We will start posting recital details when we resume classes after Christmas break.  After Spring Break, we will be full speed ahead to recital!  Our tentative recital date is the weekend of June 10, 2023.