Archive for the News Category
NEW! Unlimited Class Option!
Are you freaking out because your dancer wants to take EVERY class? We understand and for our dancers that would prefer to live in the dance studio, we have a sweet deal for you! This is for our dancers ages 8 and up. Unlimited Classes for a single student plus FREE tuition to our weekend workshops for $285 per month! Let’s break this down to see if it’s worth it for you. Our 60 minute classes are $75 per month and our 45 minute classes are $60 per month. Jazz 1, Ballet 1, Tap 1, Acro 2, Musical Theatre 1,... Continue Reading
Guess what?! We are starting a new program at Studio One and we are so excited! We are now ACROBATICS ARTS CERTIFIED!!! Acrobatic Arts is a an amazing AcroDance program providing our dancers the opportunity to learn AcroDance in a safe way! This program is backed by Science, research and education. It is, in my opinion, a brilliant program that I am so excited to bring to Studio One. I cannot wait to see our dancers progress through this curriculum. AcroDancers will receive a progress card to help them set goals and watch their progress as they work through the... Continue Reading
Multi-Class Discounts
We offer multi-class discounts for all our classes & includes classes for all your children enrolled. When you enroll, your classes will bill at the flat rate but then we will adjust your balance by adding your credit. As always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask Gabrielle. 2nd class = 5% off, 3rd class = 10% off, 4th class = 15% off, 5 or more classes = 20% off. This discount is for families so it works for all your dancers and all their classes combined so it’s a great deal! We will charge tuition to... Continue Reading
Please read or print the following pages: POLICIES, FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS & CLASS REQUIREMENTS. Our dance schedule is listed with class prices on our PARENT PORTAL page. READ THEM CAREFULLY! We get a lot of questions that are answered by simply reading this information. Thanks! Gabrielle Barnett, Studio One Owner/Director NOTE – If you are viewing our site from your phone, you need to click on the 3 lines in the top right corner of the main page to access the PAGES listed above. You will only see our POSTS until you click that button to browse the site.... View Full Article
Online Store!
YAY!!!  OUR ONLINE STORE IS UP AND READY FOR YOU TO CHECK IT OUT! You can view class requirements when in the store but you are welcome to shop all of the store items.  For your convenience, your items will be shipped directly to you. Thanks, Gabrielle... View Full Article
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